Oh snap it’s Dev-Diary time!
So far November has been pretty full-on; I took some time to chill after releasing ‘core_ailtt.exe’ and then jumped right back into working on the primary project. Been busying assembling the game world! Hopefully I can get *all* the modelling done by the end of this month, minus clutter, so that next month I can get working on all the world scripts and start setting up all the character scripts! Fingers crossed I stay on target! I have a deadline after-all… ^^”
Despite that, I am taking this weekend away from my main work to participate in a small local game-jam (that I am actually co-hosting) just to work on something different for a change so I can come back to my main work with fresh eyes, so hopefully that goes well! 🙂
As always, till next time all the best~!