Dev-Diary: 109

I can finally talk about the good news~! Management In Space, which long-time readers may know as that experimental space-management game I worked on many years ago, just got some start-up funding~! :’D Thanks to the...

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Dev-Diary: 104

Hey folks! Sorry for being a tad late, I was caught up with a few things. ^^” The second half of December and early January was mostly me taking some time to breathe; the final few months of 2023 were incredibly non-stop...

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Dev-Diary: 79

Hey everyone, hope everybody is staying safe! Sadly I don’t have as much as normal to report this month as I had to take some personal time. I did still manage to get some coding and general game-dev work done, but...

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Dev-Diary: 73

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay! March has been a real cluster of different work for me! I’ve managed to continue my art production for Management IN SPACE!! with a batch of Xeno art, which is nearly complete now...

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Dev-Diary: 72

Hey everyone! The past couple of weeks I have been powering through commissions; focusing on a lot of 3D modelling, texture editing, and world-building in Unity. While I was still able to get some M.I.S. work done, commissions...

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Dev-Diary: 71

Hey all! So the past two weeks have been just a standard jumble of work and productivity. As far as M.I.S. is concerned, I’ve mostly just been working on art; I now have over 100 different ship assets for the all the...

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