Dev-Diary: 76

Hello all. This one will be different.

Firstly, I haven’t been posting as frequently; once a month as opposed to fortnightly. This is two-fold, partly due to adjusting to new work-loads (working on the video editing mentioned in the last post) as well as managing myself and my work capacity, particularly during these difficult times. This is also why my work output has slowed down and I have not updated the CYO Adventure in about a month; I am trying to ensure I do not start engaging in burn-out again as I had previously. Hopefully over the next few months, my work output will return to normal along with a more careful accompanying workflow.

This isn’t to say I have not done any work of course! I have fully implemented a new “emailing” system into M.I.S.. I noticed the in-game chat-log was not the most ideal method for story-telling as it rolled out at quite a fast pace. The new emailing system allows me to deliver story updates, as well as background quirks, in a more detailed manner that the player can approach in their own time. I have also been doing my regular dabbling in various small, non-committal projects to keep my mind creative and sharp.

Additionally, this month I will be taking a break from releasing my monthly One Page One Shot, with the current OPOS remaining at ko-fi for another month, as opposed to uploading it to While I do have the next OPOS ready for upload, I do not believe now is the time to be releasing entertainment content. Even with the Covid predicament still very much an issue, the recent uprising to give voice and equality to those in America is incredibly important and one that I believe deserves dominance in online spaces right now.

For everyone fighting everywhere, whether outside or at home, please stay safe and care for one-another. Hopefully, after the dust has settled, we will have won a new system that supports all people, both overseas and here in Australia as well.

Till next time, all the best.