Dev-Diary: 98

Heya folks~! This post is more of a micro-update unfortunately! I’ve been so utterly absorbed with administrative work lately that I haven’t been able to make much progress on neither roll nor PokéStudy, sorry...

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Dev-Diary: 97

A couple of days late, but still here~ ^^ I don’t actually have heaps to discuss this time unfortunately, or, to be more accurate, the work I’ve been absorbed with hasn’t been entirely diary-worthy (though, I...

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Dev-Diary: 96

Hey y’all~ February was intensely busy wow! The side project Silver Ambience is still behind, but Lattitude has sent me some new music to start uploading (plus we have some extra content I’m keen to put up later!)...

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Dev-Diary: 95

Apologies, I’m almost a week late on this one! ^,,^” At the start of January I took a bit of time off to reset, and since then I’ve been utterly flat-out with work and personal commitments, which isn’t...

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Dev-Diary: 94

Hey everyone!I don’t think will come as a surprise to anyone but I am still heccin’ exhausted hahaha~ ^^ Not too much has changed in regards to what has been keeping me busy; I’ve still been working as hard...

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Dev-Diary: 93

I have been pretty heccin’ exhausted.. ><“(which is why I didn’t update in a couple of months sorry!) So what’s kept me busy? One of the big ones has been my continuing and fun work with Radioactive...

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Dev-Diary: 92

Hey everyone~! So I’ve been super flat-out lately (nothing new there~), between the classic trifecta of Inflorescent Games Co-op, PokéStudy, and of course roll. I won’t go into the Inflo work, as that cool biz...

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Dev-Diary: 91

Hey everyone~! Afraid this’ll be a shorter one, even though it’s been 2 months since my last update! I’ve been pretty overwhelmed with a variety of work, from my own work on roll to my work with both...

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Dev-Diary: 90

Hey y’all~! ^,,^ Well it’s been a busy heccin’ time for me! But most of it’s been within my personal life keeping me super dang occupied, so unfortunately not a huge amount to discuss here! I did start...

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Dev-Diary: 89

Hey y’all~! ^,,^Happy New Year!! A slightly shorter post this time, classic super busy times for the past couple of months (hence no post last month!). November and December were entirely dedicated to crunching through...

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