Dev-Diary: 35

Happy New Year 2018~!

Nothing like ringing in the new year by being a couple of days late for this post, but despite originally being on time a last-minute call-in for work messed up my schedule over the past few days. But fear not, I am still here~!

The last post was before Christmas, so I hope everyone has been wonderful! I’ve been hard at work, as well as enjoying a little time to myself. I spent a few weeks solidly working on a personal project (a map-mod for a game called Jedi Academy as a gift for my brother) which was both exhausting and amazing. Just for fun, I’ll drop a screen-shot at the bottom. If I’m bothered, I’ll also set-up a download link over at where all the fun Jedi Academy stuff hangs out.

Since then, I’ve jumped right back into work for T.H.E. game, grinding through the pre-production. Sticking hard to my schedule, I’ve managed to complete my base story structure on time! I now have a giant pile of notes and documents detailing the complicated story paths for the game. From here, I hope to finish some of the additional work for the game, get the rest of the concept art finished up, and begin work on a sample engine with Unity!

I’m also still practicing with some 3D modelling, including texturing and rigging! Maybe next post I’ll have some cool shots.

Oooh so many exciting things! I’m also still going to be working on my card games and the graphic novel this year. T.H.E. game takes priority, but I like working on everything!

2018, year of grinding to work hard. 2019, year of releases and success! Let’s do this!

Till next time, all the best!

Mos Karlisson - Jedi Academy Mod