Dev-Diary: 55

Hey everyone!

I am pleased to say that my Management In Space is coming along wonderfully~! Definitely behind schedule, but I guess I’m either not too great at time estimation, or over-ambitious once again and putting in too much content. Or both.

M.I.S. is now base-level playable, which is great! You start off in your little section of space managing your station, and various traders will stop off to say hi and do some buying and selling. Very peaceful! Of course I’ve also tested the game in massive combat scenarios featuring swarms of various ships circling the station fighting you and each-other! (Check out the screenshot below!)

My main focus now is two-fold; set-up events for combat and story to happen naturally, and set-up the game’s wrapper to handle and manage the game, including saving progress and managing options. The game will also need to start designing/importing art and audio assets, which will happen naturally as well.

Being more realistic, I imagine the game probably won’t release till late March/early-April. I’m going to try my best and work hard! Till next time, all the best~!