Dev-Diary: 18

Hey everyone!
Couple of days late because of being away/busy over the long-weekend.

Hope everyone has been well! I’ve had a delightfully productive two weeks! I managed to complete the entire Combat area for my Demo, which I thought would take longer. This included re-writing part of the combat system and building the test rooms for the mechanics. While it isn’t as large as some of the other areas, I didn’t think I would finish it this quickly! There’s not too much more left to work on, a few more random rooms, some bug fixes, but more importantly a visual update. I’ve been doing the visuals as I go but there are some rooms, UI, and animations that need to get updated and optimised. Fingers crossed I get through it quickly!

On-top of the Demo I’ve been testing my card game and doing writing and structuring for the graphic novel, while the artist is doing some amazing concept work! A lot more work than I thought I would accomplish considering how busy April has been so far, so I’m hoping I can get some progress made on a bit of everything over the next two weeks.

Till next time, all the best!