Dev-Diary: 51

Boom! New Year! Happy 2019! Hope everyone is doing well!

So let’s start with the end of last year. As seems to be the tradition, December was mostly full of family events, work, and general insanity. It was very busy to say the least. I did manage to get some dev work done, but it was mostly small updates, readjusting my schedule, and preparing for the new year. Progress was made.

So now that is out of the way, what’s coming up? Well the primary project is on hold for about a month while I work on something new(-ish). Remember I mentioned a game jam last dev-diary? Well last month I was also figuring out how to turn that into a releasable project. And so I am! I’ve already re-written a lot of the original functions, and I’ve been revising a lot of the concepts and mechanics. It’s not a big game, quite small actually, and is hopefully achievable in the time-frame I am setting myself.

So what is it? Well unlike my larger work which is super-duper secretive, this one is just a fun little resource management game full of chaos, stress, and space pirates~ Nothing to show for it right now as I am still writing all the delicious code, but hopefully later this month. Or just wait and see it completed hopefully next month! Or later, who knows! Time is an illusion and I am constantly super busy!

So that’s me!
Till next time, all the best~!
