Dev-Diary: 70

Happy 2020 everyone! ^,,^

I’ve started the new year with a different twist, trying to re-organise myself and my endeavors. I’ve been doing some work on some commissions, both in audio and 3D modelling (which I have had a lot of practice with lately~)! I’ve also been working on a new direction for SilStiPro; as anyone who has been following me may know, I usually work on large-scale projects. Even when I intend to work on smaller projects, I still end up putting in the extra effort to make them a worthwhile experience, and they get quite big! I definitely don’t regret this, I love making big things that people love! But unfortunately it also means my income is quite low, as it takes so long to release anything or I just release smaller projects for free.

In an attempt to fix this issue, I have dedicated myself to a little side-project. For the next 12 months (Feb2020 – Feb2021) I will be releasing ‘One-Page-One-Shots’ that I have designed! An OPOS is a pen-and-paper role-play game, usually with dice-rolling and conversation, but all the rules are written up on a single piece of paper! They are designed to be fast (few minutes to a couple of hours) and simple to pick-up, and to be played with a handful of people, occasionally with a host guiding the game. I’ve already been working on a few in my spare time, writing and testing them, and they have been well received!

Each OPOS will be released on the 1st of every month (which means there is one available RIGHT NOW!), however they will be released behind a donation/subscription paywall, which I am running through Ko-Fi. This is intended to be perk for people that have spare money who wish to contribute to and support me; if you like my work you get a little bonus while you wait for me to release my bigger projects! But don’t worry, because after a month I will release the OPOS to the world for free via Itchio, so that everyone can enjoy them! There may also be additional benefits to donors/subscribers, such as credits in future games, but we shall see~

Aside from that, I’ve had the latest version of ‘Management IN SPACE!!’ out for testing for a little while now, and I am very happy with all the feedback! I’m going to continue to dedicate myself to working on MIS, focusing on getting the artwork done, filling in more early and mid content, and patching out bugs and what-not! At the moment I guesstimate a mid-2020 release. 🙂

If you would like to donate to my Ko-Fi, follow the link below, or press the Donate button on the side panel! Only donate if you have spare money, always ensure you have enough money to support yourself first!! <3

That’s it for me now! Going back to regular twice-a-month posts, so until next time, all the best~! ^,,^
