Dev-Diary: 77

Hey y’all, hope everyone is staying safe! This month has been transitional slowly back into my regular work-load, however while still juggling different projects. I’ve made some head-way on M.I.S., getting some...

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Dev-Diary: 76

Hello all. This one will be different. Firstly, I haven’t been posting as frequently; once a month as opposed to fortnightly. This is two-fold, partly due to adjusting to new work-loads (working on the video editing...

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Dev-Diary: 75

Hey everyone! Hope you are all safe and caring during this time! Sorry about the delay, as well as the missed mid-month post. The combination of commissions, projects, and the global situation have all been rather intense...

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Dev-Diary: 74

Hello all! I hope everyone is staying safe~! Wow March was tense! Lot’s of stress. But I got stuff done! I spent a bundle of time working on commissions; plenty of modelling, texturing, and Unity work! It’s pretty...

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Dev-Diary: 73

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay! March has been a real cluster of different work for me! I’ve managed to continue my art production for Management IN SPACE!! with a batch of Xeno art, which is nearly complete now...

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Dev-Diary: 72

Hey everyone! The past couple of weeks I have been powering through commissions; focusing on a lot of 3D modelling, texture editing, and world-building in Unity. While I was still able to get some M.I.S. work done, commissions...

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Dev-Diary: 71

Hey all! So the past two weeks have been just a standard jumble of work and productivity. As far as M.I.S. is concerned, I’ve mostly just been working on art; I now have over 100 different ship assets for the all the...

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Dev-Diary: 70

Happy 2020 everyone! ^,,^ I’ve started the new year with a different twist, trying to re-organise myself and my endeavors. I’ve been doing some work on some commissions, both in audio and 3D modelling (which I have...

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Dev-Diary: 69

Hello! So since the last update, I’ve been focused on a couple of things. The first, and biggest, is a tutorial! It took some time and effort, but I managed to get a fully-fledged tutorial all set-up! While skippable...

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