Hey everybody!
Two days late again! That’s my bad, been dealing with work and life. However, I completed the NPC area for the Demo! Those last couple of rooms got intense, nice bundles of rather complicate AI structuring. But it’s all done, and I squished a few bugs along the way! I’ll now be moving onto Combat and Inventory, however this area should be considerably simpler; the working projects from this Demo have been rearranged so that the current projects are much less combat intensive, which in-turn removes some of the Inventory issues I was having. I’ve briefly spoken about the project rearrangement before, but to clarify I will be working on the same projects, but with a different engine for a different platform, which will mean I save a lot of time and can produce higher quality and more specific works! I will announce more details sometime in the future when the Demo is done and the current generation of projects are in the works.
Outside of the Demo, I’ll be returning to put more effort into physical game production, and structure the plans for the graphic novel I’m collaborating on! The aim is to have at least 2 physical games completed by the end of the year, along with a digital game after the Demo.
Time to get back to work! Till next time, all the best!
(Oh also, here’s a screenshot of the NPC Stress-Test Room~)