Dev-Diary: 4

Hello! Mid-Month update time for September! So the past 2 weeks have been mostly consumed with getting levels done for the demo. Collision maps, triggers, dialogue, visuals, and code patches; all the things a growing game needs...

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Dev-Diary: 3

Hello! 1st of September, so time for another update! The past 2 weeks have mostly been consumed with working on levels for the demo. I’ve done most of the visuals for the demo levels I have built, and begun writing the...

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Dev-Diary: 2

Hello! This is the first Dev-Diary that is being posted on this site that is not being published in parallel with my other progress-posts (Newgrounds and DeviantArt). What this means is on this website, I’ll be posting...

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Dev-Diary: 1

Welcome to the first Dev-Diary on my own site! From now on, I will be posting here twice a month (1st and 15th), but still continuing the same posts on both Newgrounds and DeviantArt for the time being. During this time, the...

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